Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Caesar salad jar

Carrot shreds

Seafood salad jar

Crab meat

Mason jar fruit salad

Layer fruit

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Easy enchiladas

1can pinto beans
1can black beans
1 can sweet corn
1can enchilada sauce
1 lb Mexican cheese
1package wheat tortillas

Pre heat oven to 350 degreez. Mix beans and corn and half the bag of cheese together. Fill tortilla with mixture and roll up. Put into a casserole dish until full. Add on top one can of sauce and rest of cheese. Cook for 15 min. Top with sour cream and chives . Total time from prep to eat is 20 min

Big kid

I made some big kid movies recently. Left my party house last weekend and avoided people doing drugs and actually had a great time in traverse city. I got a new tattoo with jasper and we did soooo much that weekend. I met a genuinely nice guy named Jerek. Can't say he is overly hot but he was cute and maintains a pretty good convo via texting. Can't wait to start my new job Monday and then I might be able to have a constant workout schedule. Currently I'm still up in weight but I should be stopping my drinking soon.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vegetable stir fry the easy way

1 bag of California stir fry
1 cut up summer squash
1 store bought pineapple pre cored
Brown rice cup
Teriakye sauce

In a big pan, fill with one inch of water and boil. Put vegetable in and cover for 4-5 min. Drain out water. Add sauce and pineapple. Cook rice. Plate

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day of minimal progress

I have completed one assignment and need to turn in another. It's not hard just time consuming.

I have been a moderately good vegetarian today. I'm having two frozen meals, but I did have a smoothie for breakfast and avoided popcorn and rice crispies.

Playing softball for the first time so wish me and my teeth luck.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Asparagus Scrambled eggs

1package of chopped asparagus
2 slices of American cheese
1cup egg whites
1 tsp basil
1 tsp salt

Microwave the asparagus. In separate bowl mix eggs, basil and salt. Rip one slice of cheese up and put into egg mixture. Add asparagus into pan and add egg mixture on top. Cook on high and scramble the eggs. Top with second piece of cheese.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bean soup

15 bean soup in crock pot
Bag of 15 types of dried beans with flavor packet
16 oz can of tomatoes
1 onion
Minced garlic
(opt) sour cream

Put beans and 10 cups of water crock pot. Turn on high for 5 hours. Cut up onion and sauté with olive oil. Add garlic, flavor packet, and onion to beans. Top with sour cream.

Sooo much energy

After a week of extreme heat, I finally got a full night of sleep and have sooo much energy. I did a nikeID work out, went shopping, did laundry, cleaned the house, cooked, filled out apps for dental school, and watched part my homework podcast. I'd say it was successful.

After being part vegetarian for 2 months, I decided to get super serious about all of the food I am putting into my body. I bought almost everything organic and made sure I had at least one fruit a day. I have a brilliant new idea of making a recipe book through this blog. This will help me remember, modify and maybe even create a few new recipes


I'm off of Zoloft, the weight gain and zombie feeling was too much for me. I have fully switched to being a vegetarian after watching food inc and a Ted video about anti cancer foods.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Just another day

I dont feel like studying today. Work was blah and it is a blah day. I am just going to watch one tree hill and take a nap. Maybe I'll find new motivation when I wake up.

PS another headache.. dull but still there.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Zoflot effects

I'm not exactly liking the feeling of the Zoloft. I don't want to eat, which for my 5lb gain in the past week is working wonders. After spending all day yesterday hung over to the point of not being able to stand, I questioned if I should take another pill. I mean my issues arent that bad that I absolutely need it. However, I will say I dont have the feeling of bored. Laying around all day yesterday was relaxing but I'm scared that I will just continue to enjoy the antisocial lifestyle too much. Also, I did take the pill last night and I woke  up feeling drunk with the woozy feeling you get when the alcohol is just wearing off and you stood up too fast. Well, hopefully I will get my homework done still, Im not feeling the lack of motivation but more so the lack of wanting to do it.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lesson Learned

I learned my lesson on drinking on Zoloft. I have been out of comission all day today. Feeling sick and not wanting to stand. Puked this morning, wanted to sleep on the bathroom floor. So much pain. Other than the usual hung over side effects, I cant seem to lay still, constantly moving my legs. Also, for a long period of time from 6 am to 10 am, I was basically laying awake but wanting to sleep and be exhausted but the sleep wouldnt come. One more day before I just stop taking them

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I just finished my Dental Applications!! YAY! kinda.. Dropping so much money makes me panic even if its not my money. I just have no back up plans and I am scared what to do if I am rejected this time around. I feel like a weight should have been lifted off of my shoulders but it hasn't. I feel like it is worse now. There is no going back.

Advantages are that I applied early. Disadvantage is my DAT score. I should study tonight but I'm going to take a Zoloft and pass out.. maybe read for my MBA so I don't procrastinate again.

I'm a crazy

Wake up this morning to go to work and I am fucking bleeding again. Seriously started to freak out from having sex Saturday. Then I added the vegetarian factor, breaking out on my face, gaining weight, applying to dental schools, studying for the DAT, and MBA classes, I thought maybe my environment did it to me. Well, when it didn't stop, I decided to go to the doctor. After a long discussion, I am on a version of Zoloft, an anxiety and depression pill. I go home, take a shower and decide to check my birth control out to see if it was broken or anything.. come to find out, its not there! When I lost the birth control I have NO idea. Cuz when it fell out during sex, I put it back in. Weird, explains the bleeding. I think I am going to still take the Zoloft because I havent had a good night of sleep in over a year and I guess it is supposed to help. As long as it doesnt affect my study habits, I'm going to try it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New beginings!

After having a blog of everything that was going wrong in my life. I decided its time to turn things around. I'm taking control of my life now, starting with dental school admissions and hopefully finishing with my health. Hopefully, somewhere in between I will become a better friend, better mom for my fur child, get a better job, and maybe juuuuust maybe start some form of meaningful relationship with someone. So let me start out with my goals (seperated into categories).

Dental School:
  • Finish applying
  • Get letters of recommendation
  • Extra letter from owner of antique shop
  • Study for the DAT at least 3 hours a day
  • Maintain Vegetarian lifestyle
  • eat more fruit and less grains
  • get to an 8 min mile
  • run 2 miles! with no stopping
  • run 3 miles
  • start timing runs
  • learn to love running
  • buy new running shoes
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Get all A's
  • read more
  • Avoid drama
  • Stop gossiping
  • realize toxic relationships
  • do something nice for someone at least once a week
Love life:
  • Do what makes you happy
  • have fun!
  • Dont let the past hold you down
  • make meaningful connections
  • Still avoid the drama
  • be a little crazy
  • Learn how to just have fun and let things fall into place
  Of course this does not mean I will go with out struggles in all areas and they will be blogged for reevaluation later. This is to also let me vent in a healthy way without destroying my relationships or love life. I decided I probably need to get more private with both. So basically this is going to be a mini diary but I have the purpose of focusing on my goals.

Quotes for me right now:

Be so happy that when others look at you they become happy to.
I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health- Voltaire